Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Talk

In the name of ALLAH most gracious, most merciful......

May all his bless is spread to all of us, muslimin wa muslimat wa mukminin wa mukminat....

Again i write in this space where i confirmly notice , there's a lot for me to learn to enhance my skills in writing which i like since i was a child. I like to, but still, there's more to know..more to learn.

My life is full with challeges and obsticles( Everyone are..) which i didnt know that i'm able to undergo through all of that. People like to make the first impression whereas you just judge people with only one met without knowing him or her closely or deeply. I've been in that situation where there's a woman judge me with her first impression but as we go through some session where we being through and having an open talk, we both said what we thinks and feels towards each other.

She spoke and i listened, i let her threw whatever she felt unsatisfied in her heart upon me. As i talked, she would listened and sometimes there's a 'debate' where she just interrupted my talk. We are in 'fired' and i can sensed the 'ammarah' had rise, 'Astaghfirullahal azim...' I try to calm both hearts by reminded her and to myself to remember ALLAH.

The situation went silent for a moment. Maybe thinking of how to conclude the whole thing.

All of sudden in my mind, i realize how much negative she really thinks of me, how much misunderstood she had on me without asking me why i'm acting the way i am. We had a 'hot tension' session for a moment and it took a long time to adjust all the misunderstandings that we had among each other.

Finally at the end of it, 'Alhamdulillah...' we come to a conclusion that we both need to be more true to each other. We began to understand each other better and even deeper like sisters. Yes, we are sisters in Islam...everyone are.

That woman now is one of my best 'Sahabah'. We gone through a lot together, we cry and laugh together. The ups and downs ,including our fight together in the 'Jamaah'. We share our life story and we realize that both have a lot in common. We become closer and closer untill the day she had been in a big 'Fitnah' that caused her in big deppression but i knew her maybe more than those who have wrong impression towards her. I never leave her, i give my heart, my trust and my shoulder for her to cry on. I stand by her and i did fight for her. She get through it...we did it together...

During this time, i'm sure she is busy working as an immigration officer in Johor Bahru.(i miss her so much!). 'Alhamdulillah' she go on with her life. May ALLAH protect and give her more strengths in the future. (ameen..)

While i'm here still continue my studies in Law and Syariah where i almost suppose to quit cause of financial problem but 'Alhamdulillah..' HE would never leave his servants to be forever in grief. I realize that it's all apart of test among all the tests in life.


I could not forget the moment where i'm sure that i have no hope to further my studies, i undergoed a bad deppression where i became so low self-esteem. I felt my whole world tumbling upside down and at that point i felt so weak, unable to do anything. I didnt knew what to do, all the questions played in my mind, where should i get help? Who would help me? What must i do? Should i borrow the money? or Should i just quit study and work, untill i have enough money??? At last my mind stopped to think.

I cried and cried and i ask god what must i do??? I went to pray Isya'. How peaceful.............
During the last 'sujud' i just couldnt beared my tears, they fall again and again like the waterfalls from the Niagra Waterfall.


'"Ya RABBI...My Lord, what should i do??? Why i'm crying like this??? I know how much weak i am, i realize the people that live surrounding al-Aqsa are having much more pressure than i am..i beg for your forgiveness, forgive me Ya KHALIQ..forgive me..."

Then, my memory flashed back in my mind, remembering all the videos that captured the killing, and the murdered of little innocent children, women and men by the irresponsible and cold hearted people....i cried even more than before....

"Ya ALLAH, protect and send help, bless them all as they fight for your 'Ad-Deen', save my relatives there...", thats all i can give them beside the money through the charity that to be sent there. I knew its still not enough but that is all i can do.

I finished my "Do'a". I just stood still and pondered, slowly my tears was dried. I'm still sitting on the "Sejadah" and i felt like the Quran calling me to read it. I stand to reach the Holy Quran and i sit again and i stared at it.

" Maybe i could find some answers in this 'Qalamullah'..." my heart whispered.
I hold the Quran tightly with my hands and i closed my eyes, " I seek for your answer my Lord, only from you..."

And slowly i opened the Quran and i read it. As i read it with all my heart, my lips read from every verse to another one as it came to this one verse, my heart was strucked, my lips couldnt set out the voice and my eyes that was dried before began to set tears again. I stopped and let the happiness joyed by tears that shed in a long 'sujud'....

"Thank you..Thank you..Thank you ya RABBI...." its a sign of how Greatness HE is.
I truly believe that whenever HE wants something to happen it will happen with HIS orders.
From that moment i'm not afraid, my spirit become more alive and i truly convict, HE will help me through this. I can do this.


Untill now i still remember the words by HIM in the Quran.That verse is in.........

( to be continued...)

Monday, May 28, 2007




Begitu aku ingin pergi ke sana.....

Aku ingin menghadap-NYA, ke tanah Haram itu....

Ya RABBI....

Inginku sujud di depan kaabah-MU...

Menghabiskan masa beribadah kepada-Mu...

Menebus segala dosa-dosaku yang lalu.....

yang setinggi gunung dan seluas lautan, tidak ku tahu...

Mendambakan secebis kasih-Mu, itu sudah cukup bagiku,

doaku pada-MU Ya RAHMAN Ya RAHIM.....

Inginku ziarah makam Kekasih-Mu...

Aku teringin sekali ingin menjejakkan kakiku ini di sana, menikmati dan menyaksikan segala-galanya....

Pernah seketika sahabatku menunjukkan gambarnya sewaktu dia berada di sana bersama datuk

dan neneknya, dia tunjukkan aku gambarnya di Tanah Haram, berhampiran dengan kaabah, dia
ceritakan segala-galanya.... Betapa beruntungnya dia kerana berpeluang untuk ke sana....

Lantas aku sebak... Entah mengapa, aku merasakan seolah seluruh rohku bergetar
membayangkan kekuasaan-NYA dengan hanya melihat gambar-gambar itu...

Dia juga melawat makam Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah SAW...

Tiba-tiba jiwaku bergetar mendengar nama itu....

Nama manusia pertama yang memikat hatiku secara sucinya....

Nama yang membuatku menjadi seakan mabuk cinta terhadapnya...

Nama yang membuatku betul-betul rindu.... rindu... aku rindu padanya.....

Laluku menangis.....

Aku rindu padanya Ya ALLAH....

sampaikan salam dan selawatku padanya....

kemuliaannya membuktikan keagungan dan ketertinggian-MU Ya KHALIQ....

Namun,ku sedar siapa diriku Ya JABBAR...

Aku insan yng lemah, ku rasakan betapa hinanya dihadapan-MU....

Tak layakku berhadapan dengan-MU, Aku malu tika berhadapan dengan-MU,

Tak pandai jua untukku berkata sesuatu yang hanya lebih layak buat-MU hamba-MU yang
termulia di antara yang mulia, dialah cahaya atas semua cahaya-MU....

Aku merasakan tiada siapa lebih layak berada di sisi-MU melainkan dirinya kekasih-MU itu...

Ya Habiballah...

Rindunya aku untuk bertemu denganmu...

Namun layakkah aku??? Aku tak setanding para sahabatmu, serikandi-serikandimu,

apatahlagi dirimu al-Insanul Kamil....

Tak mampuku mengikut segala ibadahmu, akhlaqmu dan segala-galanya tentangmu,

Namun akan ku cuba, demi menggapai Redha-NYA dan Redhamu Ya Habibi Fi Qalbi....

'Asyiq, ana 'asyiq....

ku dalam kerinduan.........

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My Ummah


Hidup ini penuh duka,
Penuh dengan duri-duri sengsara,
Doa dijadikan pengubat luka,
Dalam hati rindu pada-Nya...
Namun sampai bila???
Apabila kemanusiaan di penghujung kewarasan,
Penganiayaan satu bangsa terhadap satu bangsa yang lain,
Tanpa ada sekelumit simpati nun di hatinya...
Di kala melakukan kemungkaran dan kemusnahan,
Sedang hati diselubungi godaan nafsu,
Diapit dengan bisikan-bisikan syaitan,
Tanpa keimanan yang teguh,
Akhirnya manusia jatuh, tersungkur,
bersujud di kaki kegelapan,
Hanyut dibawa arus kelalaian,
Hilang sudah rindu, doa serta keimanan...
Wahai manusia,
Seluas-luasnya ilmumu,
Berbondong-bondongnya harta milikmu,
Setinggi-tingginya pangkat dan darjatmu,
Bahawa kau berpijak di atas bumi milik Allah,
Usahlah takbur nanti kau jua sendiri yang akan lebur...
Wahai manusia, sedarlah....
Usah tertipu dengan duniawi,
kesenangan di duniawi takkan berkekalan untuk selamanya,
Ia hanya sementara, umpama bahtera yang sedang belayar menuju
ke destinasinya yang utama, 'kampung Akhirat'...
Rasulullah saw telah meninggalkan harta pusakanya
pada kita semua...
Harta yang berkekalan selamanya,
Harta yang ternilai,
Walau zaman siling berganti,
Takkan ia lenyap dimakan usia,
Bekalan buat kita,
Yang bisa menyelamatkan kita di 'sana',
Yang menjadi saksi pembela kita agar selamat dari api neraka,
Ya, itulah harta yang baginda tinggalkan untuk kita,
Iaitu Al-Quran dan Sunnah...
Pembimbing umat, penyuluh cahaya,
pemangkin iman....
Ikhwah wa Akhwat...
Usah sesekali kita mensia-siakan,
Pengorbanan dan perjuangan NAbi Muhammad saw serta para sahabatnya,
Usah biarkan kemarakan api semangat intifada mereka
terpadam oleh angin kedayusan, ketandusan, kelemahan...
Usah jadikan ia sejarah lama,
yang tinggal hanya khayalan semata...
Ya mukmin wa mukminat, Bangkitlah!!!
Jadikan kemuliaan akhlaq Rasulullah sebagai tauladan terbaik
dan rujukan utamamu,
Jadikan pula laungan intifada baginda serta para sahabat
sebagai junjungan untuk dikagumi,
Jadikan keteguhan iman mereka itu sebagai inspirasi untuk diikuti,
Marakkan lagi api semangat perjuangan Islam!
Nah! dengan ini..
lahirlah semula rasa rindu pada-Nya,
pada kekasih-Nya,
lahirlah nikmat Halawatul Iman...
Insaflah wahai manusia...
Andai dihadapanmu terbentang luas ruang harapan keinsafan,
Ubah kesilapan lampaumu, usah ulanginya...
di sudut kecil hatimu,
Tepuk dada, Tanyalah Iman,
Mulakan hidup seharianmu
dengan meningkatkan ketaqwaanmu,
Bina tiang keimananmu dan kukuhkanlah tiangmu itu
dengan pelbagai ibadah serta zikrullah...
My dear brothers and sisters,
Its an advice for all of us,
For you and me too...
Aku juga mengingatkan diriku jua, saudaraku...
Moga kita menjadi insan yang taati Tuhan,
InsyaALLAH akan mendapat keampunan
di atas kesalahan yang pernah kita lakukan...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ya Rasulullah we miss you........

I wish you are here...
Here next to me...
We're missing you so, so desperately...
But lately i feel like you feel...
And i see what you see...
How i'm missing you........

Adakah kita Tahu???

Mengoreksi Keyakinan Kita tentang Dunia Ruh
Rabu, Mei 2nd in Belajar Tauhid Yuk!, Resensi No comments
Judul Buku: Koreksi Aqidah Anda tentang MayitJudul Asli : Ar-Rad ‘Ala Faishal Muraad ‘Ali Ridhaa fiima Kitabihi ‘an Sya’nil Amwaati wa AhwaalihimPenulis : Asy-Syaikh Shalih bin Fauzan Al-FauzanPenerjemah : Abu Muhammad MiftahMurajaah : Al-Ustadz ‘Abdul Mu’thi Al-MaidaniCetakan : Pertama, April 2007 M/Rabi’uts Tsani 1248 HPenerbit : Gema Ilmu
Menziarahi orang-orang yang telah meninggal, termasuk hak orang-orang yang telah meninggal yang disyariatkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Hal ini agar manusia mengambil pelajaran dan nasehat, serta agar mereka mendoakan orang yang meninggal dari kaum muslimin. Read the rest of this entry »

Mengenal Allah
Sabtu, April 28th in Belajar Tauhid Yuk!, Menata Hati 3 comments
Penulis: Ustadz Abu Usamah bin Rawiyah An-Nawawi
Tak kenal maka tak sayang, demikian bunyi pepatah. Banyak orang mengaku mengenal Allah, tapi mereka tidak cinta kepada Allah. Buktinya, mereka banyak melanggar perintah dan larangan Allah. Sebabnya, ternyata mereka tidak mengenal Allah dengan sebenarnya.
Sekilas, membahas persoalan bagaimana mengenal Allah bukan sesuatu yang asing. Bahkan mungkin ada yang mengatakan untuk apa hal yang demikian itu dibahas? Bukankah kita semua telah mengetahui dan mengenal pencipta kita? Bukankah kita telah mengakui itu semua? Read the rest of this entry »

The World

The World:Peace & United Islam

In the name of Allah S.W.T.most gracios,most merciful.

The birds are flying in the sky but it is not about the flying that we see,it is the freedom that we need,the peace.

As the world is now fill with destructions and conspiracy,when can the legacy be stand for long if the presence of civilization in humanity is no longer exist.Only there,stood still the feeling of anger and greed among each other.Foolishly fighting for the power to conquer the whole world.If all leaders from around the globe have less of initiative and authorized attitude as a leader,how will the world can be systematically function without any corruption?

Dirty politics take over the roll of the world live broadcasting news.It is convinced by the society all around the earth that our life could nearly be in jeopardy due to these controversy from the corner angle of leadership in running the government's policy.

As the world that it is as today,i can no longer foretell how it would be in the more future to come.Are we going to be safe for the rest of our life? When the developed countries taking over the poor countries by sending troops of boms,soldiers and loads of machine gun equipment.Then,destroying their land,life,dignity and moreover try to prove to the world that it is a 'good work' of looking for peace.

The question is,what kind of peace are these people trying to proof here? The 'Peace' that have nothing but violence? The 'Peace' that have no sympathy for the life that being killed? Without having a single tear dropped from their eyes when seeing the killing of children,women and men? Not caring how weak they are to fight back,how lifeless they are getting to see they're own land being destroyed and the whole people they loved and care die right before they're eyes.

How such these people could bring the threat to the world peace? Haven't this being put to the mind at ease? Why have to eliminate them when they are just in the eye of innocent? Eventough they are so developed outside but deep inside they so much poor even they could not even realize it.Let us have a deep thought of this sensitive subject manners so it could be a lesson for us to learn.

Open up our mind,what happen now to our 'Ummah'? Are we going to just sit down and do nothing? Are we going to just leave our relatives,our 'Ummah' being insulted,killed and bullied? What do we do to save our 'Ummah'? Their blood,tears and cry,do we care? Can we feel the pain that they're suffering? Can we hear their shout of 'Takbir'?

Dear brothers and sisters,
We need to rise up again! We need to be unite, dont be frightened by the threat.The threat of the true enemy of ALLAH S.W.T. is nothing.Don't let their cunning tricks fool all of us.We stand for the truth not the false proof that they tried to convince.We need to stand together,side by side,moving forward in fighting for the real truth.Emerging forward to defend our 'Ad-Deen' and to stand for what we believe in.Destoy the borderline that separates us.No matter who we are,what country we're from or what colour we are, we stand together under one name that is ISLAM.

Dear beloved Ummah,
Believe in ALLAH S.W.T,remember what ALLAH had promise.The Promise that says,Victories will always belong and remains to the truth,to the muslimin,muslimat,mu'minin and mu'minat,to those who believe in HIM,to those who fight for justice as in to those who stand for ISLAM.Together we can make it.ALLAHUAKBAR!!!

Ukhuwwah Islamiyah

(All praises to ALLAH S.W.T,who gave gift,everything comes from ALLAH,the truth is from HIM and any wrong comes from me, myself.Wallahualam.)


Muhammad Rasulullah SAW(yg dirindui)Chapter I

Wahai Kekasih Allah,
Rahmatan lil 'alamin,
Walau tidak pernah bersua,
Namun namamu tetap
di hati serta di jiwa.......

Jiwamu suci,akhlaqmu mulia,
Dirimu tauladan sepanjang masa,
Menjadi pedoman,
bagi umat yang mengimpikan,
Kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat...

Keperibadianmu luhur,
Tingkah lakumu yang agung,
Kemurahan hatimu,
Kelembutan jiwamu,
Itulah yang merantai jiwaku,
Serta jiwa umatmu,
Yang teramat mencintaimu,
Walau tidak pernah
mendampingi dirimu.....

Wahai khatamul Anbiya',
Tiada pengganti selepas dirimu,
Kaulah cahaya di atas cahaya,
Kaulah imam dua qiblat...

Mulianya sifatmu Ya Habiballah,
Difirmankan ALLAH SWT
dlm al-QalaamNYA,
"Dan bahawa sesungguhnya,
engkau mempunyai akhlaq yang amat mulia"....

Itulah baginda,
Pemimpin Akhirat dan Dunia....

(sambungan.. ...)

Ukhuwwah Fillah.
(Segala pujian bagi ALLAH SWT.Segala yg benar dan baik dtg dari-NYA.segala silap dan salah dtg dari ana sndiri.Wallahualam)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

PALESTIN-may ALLAH be with you...

Mereka berjuang untuk agama dan tanahair..... mereka syahid dalam mempertahankannya, kita bagaimana pula???

Salam Ukhuwwah Fillah.........

Assalamualaykum... Salam Sejahtera... kepada anda semua .... Moga Bahagia.......

Moga Anda semua diberkati dan ceria-ceria selalu CAIYOK!!!!

Ehmm,tak tahu nak cakap ape sbb ni first time ada blog sendiri..... moga dapat ana manfaatkan untuk semua, insyaALLAH.......