Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Betapa lemahnya hamba rasa.....
Betapa lemahnya diri ini.....
Betapa payahnya diri ini....
Betapa runsingnya hamba ini....
Aku Hamba yang lemah.....
Segala ujian diumpamakan nikmat di sebaliknya...
Namun ada kalanya aku rasa lemah....
Aku rasa kerdilnya diri...
Aku rasa hinanya diri.....
Mereka sering berkata....
Ujian itu tandanya Tuhan sayang...
"Sayangkah??? Begitu sekali hebat ujian, sehebat itukah kasih sayang dan belas kasih-Mu
Pada hamba yang lemah kerdil ini???? Sememangnya ENGKAU lg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Penyayang......"
"Aku merasakan tak layak..... namun ENGKAU lebih mengetahui segalanya... ENGKAU lebih memahami perasaan setiap jiwa hamba-hamba-MU.....daripada manusia....."
Mereka adakalanya pandai berpura-pura..... semata-mata utk mendapat kedudukan mulia di pandangan manusia...
Terlalu utk memenuhi citarasa dan hati manusia..... Terlalu utk menunjuk-nunjuk di antara sesama mereka...
Sedih...... geram..... bosan..... aku melihat telatah manusia yg kebanyakkan berpura semata......
Sedih jua aku melihat diriku sendiri... yg serba lemah ini....
Aku jua berpura-pura....
Namun Berpura utk rasa bahagia dan gelak ketawa...cuba menutup segala duka....,mencari rakan utk berbual walau dlm alam maya atau alam fantasi cuma...
sekadar utk mengisi ruang yg ada.....
Aku manusia biasa.... aku jua seperti mereka.....
Cuma apa yg beza, mereka dapat rasa segala-gala yg aku impikan..... namun sekadar impian bg ku....
aku tak mampu nk capai semuanya kerana segalanya dah tertulis utk ku.....
Aku ditakdirkan utk mengharungi segalanya dgn sendiri kerna DIA merasakan aku mampu utk laluinya....
"Tapi..... kuatkah aku Ya ALLAH?????..... manusia pandai berkata-kata.... tapi mereka tak rasa apa yg ku rasakan selama ini... Hanya pada-MU shj yg aku sandarkan.... hanya ENGKAU lebih memahami....mengadu pada-MU sekian lama ini... sehingga aku hilang kata.... aku hilang kata...... aku hilang...... aku......... tak tahu......"
Mengapa hati ini banyak di uji???? sehingga akibatnya penyakit yg makin menular dlm diri tiada siapa yg nampak...... aku masih tersenyum...... walaupun air mata darah sekalipun aku alirkan tiada siapa yg tahu... hanya ENGKAU ya ALLAH........hanya ENGKAU.........
Cuma aku minta...berilah peluang utk ku merasai impian yg ku impikan selama ini dari kecil lg sebelum aku menghembus nafas terakhirku.......
Sebuah keluarga milikku.... keluarga milikku......
Sungguh aku dambakan dari kecil.............
Imbansan lalu.................
Aku teringat waktu alam persekolahan.... di asrama..... hari mggu ramai ibu bapa datang... bawa makanan minuman utk anak2 mereka......
Duduk semeja satu keluarga.... ibu memasak makanan kegemaran si anak, di bawa dari rumah dan makan bersama adikberadik..... walaupun di kawasan asrama sekolah pun...mereka tetap bahgia duduk di situ...bukan restoran mewah.....Sesuatu yg tak pernah aku rasa.......
Ake tersenyum melihat mereka semua.....Bahagianya........aku gembira utk mereka....
Tiba-tiba rasa pedih...... pedih sgt........ pedih....
sakitnya aku rasa........ segera aku mempercepatkan langkah.
Sampai di 'dorm'. Kosong. Sakitnya makin perit ku rasa.....
Air suam jernih mula terasa di kelopak mataku......mengalir di pipiku......
Teman setiaku... kau datang lagi........ Oh temanku..... kau setia menemaniku sejak kecik lagi.....
Mengalirlah dikau.... mengalirlah..... sepuas-puasnya temanku.....
Redakan rasa sedihku ini........
Waktu yg berlalu banyak mendewasakan ku.......terlalu byk kenangan lalu...... namun kenangan-kenangan lalu itu semua masih tersimpan rapi dalam sanubariku...
Tak mungkin ku lupakan.....
Kini aku sudah punya 'keluarga' yg besar.....
bukan diukur dgn nama bangsa atau negara atau keturunan.....
hanya dgn Satu nama..........
' Islam '
Banyak masaku habis bersama 'Jemaah ini' kalau dibandingkan dgn mama dan ayahku.....
Mana mungkin kami bersama satu keluarga di kala ketentuannya ia sudah berderai lama sudah.....
Namun masih lg aku mengimpikan sebuah kelurga milikku sendiri......
Tidak akan ku biarkan sejarah lama berulang lg....... aku sendiri akan mengubahnya....
Tiada lg istilah 'anak angkat' , 'berderai' atau 'ibu bapa angkat'......
Berikan ku peluang ya ALLAH.... berikan ku peluang utk merasainya sebelum aku bertemu-Mu....
Berikan 'Nur' didalamnya ya ALLAH....Berikan peluang utk ku perbetulkan diriku dan segalanya sebelum nyawa terpisah dari badan......Izinkanku ya RABBI.....
Impian ku ya ALLAH....
Nur fi Baitul Muslim....
"Rabbana Hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurratu' a'yunin waj 'alna lil muttaqinna Imama..."
"Istajib du'a ana ya ALLAH3x....ameen............Ya rabbal 'alamin..."
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Close Bond with child

Fostering a strong bond with your child
How does a parent build a strong bond with her/his child and foster secure attachment
children are only a test and precious gift for us and that we must always rely on Allah
2. Breastfeed. Allah has provided humans with a natural technique for development of a bond through the prescription of breastfeeding: "The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years." [2:233]; "And the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months." [46:15]. This is another example of Allah's infinite wisdom that has only recently been proven by scientific knowledge. There are numerous health benefits from breastfeeding as well as emotional and social effects that will last a lifetime.
3. Respond to the infant's needs as quickly as possible. A significant part of the bonding process involves trust. When the needs of the baby are fulfilled, he/she develops trust in the caretaker and in the world. Crying and fussiness are forms of communication that signal that something is not quite right, and it is the responsibility of the caretaker to determine what should be done. Experienced parents are able to distinguish various cries and their associated needs. It is also possible to sense the early signs of needs and take care of them before the infant becomes upset. Caretakers who do this well usually have babies who are very content, secure, and enjoyable.
4. Communicate with your infant. There are many ways to send messages of love and care to your infant. These include talking in a soft voice, "answering" sounds by cooing or imitating, singing, smiling, hugging, stroking, massaging, making eye contact and much more. Mothers and infants tend to develop their own special language that really is an expression of their love for each other. One of the most wonderful gifts from Allah is the beautiful, bright smile of an infant that says "I am loved and cared for and I am returning that love." What amazing synchrony!
Following this advice does not guarantee that your child will develop according to your wishes and it will not alleviate your concerns, but it is an initial building block that will provide a strong foundation upon which to build. It is important to remember throughout the whole building process that our children are only a test for us and that we must always rely on Allah.
Muslim Family

How to Establish an Islamic Family????
“And Allah has made for you from your homes a place of rest” [Soorah an-Nahl (24): 80]
Allah mentions His complete favor upon His slaves from what He has created for them in regards to their houses being places of tranquility. They are places of refuge, screening and of benefit from all aspects.
A house for us is a place of eating, marriage, sleeping and rest. A place of privacy, meeting one's wife and children, a place to safeguard oneself. It is a place of security from evil and protection from the people.
Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Safety for a man in times of tribulations is to stay in his home.” Hasan - Related by Tabaree in al-Aswat from Thawbaan (radhi allahu anhu) and it is also in Saheeh ul-Jaami (3824)
Most importantly, a home is an important means towards building the Muslim community. The society is made up from home and it is the origin. The home is life and the life is society. If the home is strong then the community will be strong in implementing the laws of Allah, resisting the aims of the enemies of Allah, to spread good and to stop evil from penetrating.
What is required is callers who are guides, students of knowledge, sincere mujaahideen, a righteous wife, mothers who can educate etc. to be born out of our Muslim homes and then go into the society in order to reform it.
Hence, if this subject is so important and our homes have evil and large deficiencies, negligence and carelessness thus comes the question: 'What are the ways in which we can reform our HOMES?'
So, O noble reader! Here, we try to address the advice on establishing an Islamic HOME, hoping that Allah benefit us with it and vive us direction to strengthen Islam by reviving the Muslim HOME. The advice takes two forms: 1) To achieve reform by enjoining the good and 2) to block the corruption by removing the evil.